BlueberryStream Technical


#Growl 2.1.3のソースはどこ?

Growl 2.1.3 is out - Google グループ

Pierre Vanacker





I am trying to find the source code on Mercurial ( and cannot see the tag " 2.1.3".

Would you know why it's not available?




Rudy Richter



while the tag itself hasn't been pushed, the current source is 2.1.3. you'll want to make sure you're on revision 2c0987f24e3b otherwise you likely won't be able to checkout properly due to the iso date formatter we use changing its repo name/url.



 ということだそうです。2014/03/06 17:15時点で最新のrev.が2.1.3のようです。2.1.3リリースから1個もコミットされてないのはどうしたものか…。